Gatsby Docs Kit
Easy to Maintain Markdown/React Documentation Static Websites
Gatsby Docs Kit is a set of tools, extending Gatsby to generate gorgeous documentation static website. Documentation source files are written in Markdown or as React components and configured with a single YAML/JSON5 configuration file.
Write in Markdown
Save time and focus on your project's documentation content. Simply write docs with Markdown and Gatsby will generate a set of static html files ready to serve.
Customize with Gatsby and React
Need something extra? Just create React component and voilà. You can do anything. Meanwhile Gatsby’s rich data plugin ecosystem will let you bring data from one or many other sources.
Preview as you work
As you edit content, you see the resulting UI change in your local development environment browser without refreshing the page.
Static Progressive Web Apps
Gatsby.js builds the fastest possible website. You get code and data splitting out-of-the-box. Gatsby loads only the critical HTML, CSS, data, and JavaScript so your site loads as fast as possible. Once loaded, Gatsby prefetches resources for other pages so clicking around the site feels incredibly fast.
Host anywhere
Gatsby Docs Kit builds completely static HTML sites that you can host on GitHub pages, Netlify, or anywhere else you choose