Creating your site

After cloning starter you now have a skeleton to work from for your specific website. The following discusses the rest of the Docusaurus structure in order for you to prepare your site.

Directory structure

Along with previously existing files and directories, your root directory will now contain a structure similar to:

├── docs
│   ├── getting-started
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   └──
│   ├── ...
│   └── www
│       ├── src
│       │   ├── pages
│       │   │   └── landing.js
│       │   ├── layouts
│       │   ├── templates
│       │   └── globalReferences.js
│       ├── gatsby-docs-kit.yml
│       ├── gatsby-docs-kit-temp.json
│       └── package.json
  • www/src/pages/landing.js - is an example Gatsby page written as a React component,
  • www/src/layouts - if you want to create Gatsby layout then put it here. You will be able to reference it in gatsby-docs-kit.yml.
  • www/src/templates - here you place custom templates for rendering Markdown pages. You will be able to reference it in gatsby-docs-kit.yml.
  • www/src/globalReferences.js - if you want to use live editing of React components feature, then in that file you should export all necessary variables.
  • www/gatsby-docs-kit.(yml|json) - contains configuration of gatsby-docs-kit.
  • www/static - if you want to serve some other static content, then put it there. During Gatsby build time, it will be copied to public directory

Creating custom Markdown page

To create a new page, you only need to do a few steps:

  1. Add your documentation to markdown file, for example create file containing:

    # Test title
    This is awesome
  2. Reference that file in gatsby-docs-kit config. For instance:

    - title: Great
      dir: ../
      url: custom-url

    Note that you have to reference markdown file relatively to gatsby-docs-kit.(yml|json) config. If current position of gatsby-docs-kit.(yml|json) config is inconvenient for you, then you can change it in gatsby-config.js.

  3. Now go to browser and you should see the Greate page.