dropAreaClassName: string: Custom className for the DropArea
fileInfoClassName: string: Custom className for the FileInfo
imageEditorClassName: string: Custom className for the ImageEditor
dragOnDocument: boolean: Listen for drag events in the whole document
dropOnDocument: boolean: Allow to drop on document
metadataComponent: React Component: Custom component for the metadata. Props: name, size, extension, type
thumbnailComponent: React Component: Custom component for the image thumbnail. Props: children (<img> node with the thumbnail)
displayImageThumbnail: boolean: Whether to generate a thumbnail for image files
cropAspectRatio: number: If cropTool is enabled, the aspect ratio for the selection. 0 means the selection is free
cropTool: boolean: Whether to render a crop tool for image files
scaleOptions: {width: number, height: number: keepAspectRatio: boolean}: Scale option for file images. keepAspectRatio refers to if the original aspect ratio should be kept when applying scaling
onChangeCallback: function: Callback invoked when a file is selected. It is called with the current state of the component
onDragEnterCallback: function: Callback invoked when drag enters. It is called with the current state of the component
onDragLeaveCallback: function: Callback invoked when drag leaves. It is called with the current state of the component