Issue labels:
issue type (mutually exclusive):
- a feature request or a proposal to improve tests or to improve README or to improve anything beside fixing a bugquestion
answering labels (mutually exclusive):
answering: reported by brainhubeu
if the issue is created by any member of thebrainhubeu
organization with no comments by external contributors- otherwise
answering: answered
if the last comment is by abrainhubeu
member - otherwise
answering: not answered
severity (only for bugs, mutually exclusive):
severity: blocked
- nothing is workingseverity: critical
- the most important features are often brokenseverity: major
- the most important features are sometimes broken or medium important features are often brokenseverity: medium
- medium important features are sometimes broken or less important features are often brokenseverity: minor
- less important features are sometimes brokenseverity: trivial
- it'd be nice to fix but we can live without fixing it
used by third-party GitHub apps:
💵 Funded on Issuehunt
- funded on IssueHunt so you can earn money, fixing the given issue🎁 Rewarded on Issuehunt
- already rewarded on IssueHunt
other labels:
- if the given issue is a duplicate of another issueno reproduction details
- if we miss details needed to reproduce the given issueneeds discussion
- if we need to discuss details of the given issueproposed issuehunt
if we consider the given issue to fund on IssueHunthacktoberfest
- used in Hacktoberfest during October, each year so you can obtain a T-shirt according to the Hacktoberfest rules
PRs labels:
testing (mutually exclusive):
tested & works
tested & fails
used by third-party GitHub apps:
for PRs opened by Renovatedependencies
for PRs opened by Dependabot
other labels:
- Work in Progress so don't merge
Labels used for both issues and PRs:
if a given issue or PR is blocked by another issue or PR